Tuesday, 4 July 2017



Many of us become tensed as we enter the examination hall, let it be any exam. Some of us have fear of exams. But there’s no need to be worried if you are prepared well and also if you know how to attempt the exam in the right way. Here we will discuss how to write an AMIE examination i.e. theory paper.
 First of all reach the examination center at least 30 minutes prior to the examination, find your exact hall and your allocated position (if any) or your correct block. This will help to ease your rather than entering the exam hall at ate last moment. The invigilator will give you the answer sheet 5-10 minutes before the exact examination time. This is the time in which you could write the membership number, roll number etc in the answer sheet.
Coming to the way of writing exam, as u all know AMIE answer sheet don’t have margins or borders. So after writing you roll number etc, draw a margin of about 2-2.5 cm width in the answer writing area. Remember to draw all drawings with pencil only. The left side region of the margin is where you write the question number and its sub numbers. A sample of this is provided in the picture given below. Next is how you write the answers. Give a main heading related to the question asked and write the answers as points rather than lengthy paragraphs. Even the institute of engineers wants the answer to be short and to the point, lengthy answer will irritate them and you could lose marks doing so.

Draw figures ya diagram related answers every time. This will give good impression to the answer sheet evaluator. Drawing should be done with pencil only. Don’t use pen and sketch pen for that. Unwanted decoration is not good. Remember it’s an engineering equivalent examination, not a drawing competition. Underlining of important words in between with pencil is also good.

Every AMIE question paper consists of 3 group, A, B and C. Group A and B consists of 4 questions each and have to attend two each out of that. Group C has no choice and number of question in group C varies from 5 to 20.Group A has 40 marks (2 x 20=40), B has 40 and C has maximum marks of 20, total 100.Questions from Group A & B has sub questions which vary from 2 to 4.While attending one group, write all the answers of that particular group continuously. Don’t mix up groups. If you are thinking of writing an answer later, leave space a little more than you think it will be needed for that answer and go to the next group. It is heard that evaluator will not give marks if you mix up groups.

 So next time when you write AMIE examination, keep these points in mind, and i hope this will help you out. Good Luck

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

An Experimental Blog To Help AMIE Aspirants........

Associated Membership In Institute Of Engineers (AMIE) ,India is a Engineering Degree equivalent course under Institution Of Engineers,India.Its helpful for candidates doing jobs to get higher education and also for students with less financial back up.Its a not so easy course,but could crack it with regular study and handwork. This is a small attempt to help you out in completing the course with good percentage.

